xSigma Farming Rewards Update

xSigma Lab
2 min readFeb 25, 2021

FUNDS ARE SAFE, but the contract isn’t fast enough to generate rewards correctly with the current dynamic growth. Also, the reward number displayed may be higher than actual. Everyone who’s experiencing the issue with harvest and get less SIG tokens will be eligible for an airdrop from the growth fund.

Right now we have a problem that harvest will try to withdraw up to 2 times more reward than it entitled to.

For that reason, some users didn’t have enough SIG reward to withdraw. To prevent further escalation of the problem, we temporary lowered APY in 12 times for a few hours during the maintenance. We can’t change already yielded harvest amounts, so if you haven’t harvest yet — consider yourself lucky, you get twice more SIG than planned even with this crazy high APY.

To fix the problem and cover all outstanding debts we’ll fund reward contract from Growth Fund. The bonus x2 reward is active for the first 4 weeks, so even thought we totally screwed up the first 18 hours — everyone will have plenty of time to harvest more. So in the next 18 hours from now we project to cover 100% outstanding harvest debt, and restore APY for the target value.

Again, sincere apologies for the inconveniences. To make your day at last at little better, if before the block 11926319 you had fail transactions or 0 harvest you’ll get an airdrop in the following weeks.

